Science and Projects

"Sever" system

Climate changes are most pronounced in the Arctic, yet the knowledge regarding the nature of these changes is inaccurate and incomplete. Scientists still have a lot of issues to face.

The ice area in the Arctic has decreased significantly due to climate changes in recent decades. The Arctic seas has started to become free of ice at an earlier date, which noticeably increased the ice-free period.

Along with the decrease in ice area, its distribution and movement in the Arctic changes as well, which makes ice conditions unpredictable. Therefore, one of the most important tasks for modern science in the Arctic is to provide vessels with up-to-date and reliable information on the sea, ice and meteorological conditions in the seas.

This is especially important in connection with emerging trends in the organization of cargo transportation along the Northern Sea Route.

AARI pays special to the development of a monitoring system for hydrometeorological support during year-round transit navigation along the Northern Sea Route.

The Sever (NORTH) automated ice information system provides operational support for year-round Arctic shipping in the freezing seas of the Arctic Ocean.

The system accumulates up-to-date information on the natural environment state in the Arctic; employees systematize and process the received data and, based on it, prepare ice maps, forecasts and navigation recommendations. The quality, authenticity and reliability of information is ensured by the highest qualification of the AARI experts.

Based on ice cover satellite monitoring, the service significantly improves the safety and the efficiency of maritime operations in the Arctic.


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